Tuesday, August 27, 2013


 Miguel Grau Seminario

 He was born in Piura, North the Peru, 27 July 1834. His parents were Manuel Grau y María Luisa Seminario. From very young age worked in the Merchant Navy and in 1853 entered to the Marina in Guerra. Four year later he participated in the rebellion of Manuel Ignacio de Vivanco against the Liberal Constitution of Ramón Castilla. To be defeated, Miguel Grau returned to work in the Merchant Navy. The Navy returned in 1863. During the war against Spain, he participated in the battle of Abtao (1866-2-7) where peruano-chilenos allies were winners. In 1867 he married Dolores Cavero Lima young with whom he had ten children. In 1868, he received the command of the ship Huáscar which highlighted defending President-elect Manuel Pardo in 1872 and defeating the rebel Piérola Nicolás in 1874. In 1876 he was elected Congressman for Paita. At the outbreak of the war with Chile in 1879, it became the maximum head of the Peruvian squad. On May 21, 1879, in the combat of Iquique, his ship Huascar managed to sink the Chilean ship Esmeralda. Unfortunately, that same day our shielded independence collided and sank when it was chasing the Covadonga. Under the command of the Miguel Grau Huáscar managed to keep at Bay the powerful Chilean squad which made vain efforts to sink it or capture it for five months. But on October 8, 1879 occurred the battle of Angamos, where a powerful fleet enemy encircled the Huáscar that resisted the most that could. 

A cannon shot of the Chilean ship Cochrane killed the great gentleman of the seas. Miguel Grau Seminario, by his personal virtues and his great services to the homeland, is today considered "El Peruano of the Millennium”.


Francisco Bolognesi Cervantes

Francisco Bolognesi Cervantes was born in Lima on November 4, 1816. His parents were Italian Andrés Bolognesi and Juana arequipeña Cervantes. After studying at the colegio Seminario San Jerónimo de Arequipa, was devoted to the business.

He joined the army voluntarily in 1853 when the Peru was on the verge of go to war with Bolivia. He fought in the Liberal revolution of Ramon Castilla and was among the victors of the battle of la Palma that toppled to the corrupt regime of general Echenique. He defended the Liberal Constitution of 1856 battling the rebel general Manuel conservador in Arequipa Ignacio de Vivanco. In 1858, defended national sovereignty accompanying to Ramón Castilla in the conflict with Ecuador.

When the 1865 Spanish aggression, the President Juan Antonio Pezet he entrusted him with the mission to acquire guns in Europe, the same as They contributed to the defense of Callao in combat on May 2, 1866.

At the outbreak of war with Chile you entrusted command of the II Division of the South and He had outstanding participation in the battles of San Francisco and Tarapacá.

He was then tasked with the general headquarters of Arica. Doing his duty with the homeland. He day seven produced is the attack on the side, at five-thirty in the morning. After three and a half hours of fight the Peruvian flag was lowered the nose. The crew of the Manco Cápac sank the ship to prevent their collapse. The mine plan did not work. According to a Chilean version, Bolognesi ran towards the Santabarbara shortly before the end to detonate mines; seeing that not passing anything, he yelled "Treason". Peruvians were dying almost half of its troops; among them Colonel Bolognesi, completed of a recoil.


Alfonso Ugarte

Alfonso Ugarte was born in the city of Iquique in the province of Tarapacá, on July 13, 1847, son of wealthy family merchants, because of the early physical absence of his father. His parents were Narciso Ugarte and Rosa Vernal Carpio. He studied in his hometown and in Valparaíso, where he graduated from counter. In 1876 he returned to Iquique; He worked managing saltpeter their family businesses, and became mayor of the city in the public sector.

At the beginning of the war of the Pacific, Ugarte, who was soon to travel to Europe to get married with his cousin Timotea Vernal, decided to stay in his hometown and organize a battalion with their own money, battalion that would be made by workers and craftsmen of Iquique. This battalion was appointed as the battalion "Iquique N ° 1", consisting of 429 soldiers and 36 officers.

He participated in the battle of Tarapacá where, after fleeing the Chilean Cavalry with the fire of the Iquique, was shot in the head but continued fighting. After the victory he fell back along with the Peruvian army and the population of Tarapaca to Arica. This army was placed at the disposal of the army of the South, who commanded the general de División EP Juan Buendía; in these conditions he made the March from Tarapaca to Arica.

In Arica took part in two joints Guerra made by Colonel Bolognesi EP where took the agreement to defend the square "until burning the last round".

He died fighting in the battle of Arica. The story says that it was launched on horseback from the top of the nose so that Chilean troops take to the national flag. It is said that his body did not arrive to be recovered because of the conflict, despite the generous reward offered his family surviving, resident in the city of Lima by this finding. 

However, trying to elucidate this last issue, Geraldo Arosamena succeeded in 1979 - in his capacity as President of the center of studies look of the Peru - authorization of opening the so-called tomb of Alfonso Ugarte finding, indeed, remains wrapped in a Peruvian flag.

Suffice it to say that body identified in 1890 as the Colonel Alfonso Ugarte and that was brought to Lima and deposited later in the family mausoleum she had built for his mother, he was taken not long ago to the crypt of the Heroes of the war of the 79 in the Presbitero Maestro cemetery, and there rests, on the third level, inside a sarcophagus.

However, the official part of the battle he wrote the fighter Colonel Roque Sáenz Peña, also mentions Alfonso Ugarte as one of the fallen beside the coronel Bolognesi in the nose.


Tupac Amaru
(Jose Gabriel Condorcanqui or Quivicanqui).

 Peruvian revolutionary, descendant of the incas (Surimana, 1741 - Cuzco, 1781). Cacique of Tungasuca, Surimana and Pampamarca, was great-grandson of Juana Pilco-Huaco, the daughter of the last inca ruler, Túpac Amaru I (executed by the Spaniards in 1572).

He was educated with the Jesuits in Cuzco and made fortune in transportation, mining and land business. His prestige among the Indians and mestizos allowed him to lead a rebellion against the Spanish authorities of the Peru in 1780; This rebellion (preceded by similar) exploded by the discontent of the population against taxes and compulsory performance of work which the Spaniards imposed (mitas, obrajes, divisions, services...) and against the abuses of the corregidores. It began with the execution of the corregidor of ink, without apparently there was a premeditated plan of insurrection.
Condorcanqui adopted the name of their ancestor (Túpac Amaru, for what would be known as Túpac Amaru II) as a symbol of rebellion against the colonizers. It arose as a restorer and legitimate heir to the inca dynasty and sent emissaries to spread the rebellion by all Peru. However, his rebellion was directed against the Spanish authorities, maintaining the fiction of loyalty to King Carlos III.

The first detachment sent to suppress the rebellion was defeated by Túpac Amaru in 1780. He then turned towards Cuzco, but was rejected by the Spaniards in the vicinity of the ancient capital.
Meanwhile, the viceroy Agustín de Jáuregui sent against an army of 17,000 men, at the time that discouraged the rebellion by making concessions to the Indians (such as creating a special room in the audience to attend their complaints or limit the powers of the corregidores). Túpac Amaru was defeated at the battle of Checacupe (1781), delivered by some of their own to the Spaniards, and transferred by them to Cuzco, where judged him and executed.

The gravity of the threat that this rebellion had represented for the Spanish Empire in America resulted in the cruelty of the viceroy, who dismembered Túpac Amaru and sent each part of your body to a village in the rebel area to allow for running an exemplary value and quell the rebellion (which continued some time more, headed by a cousin and a nephew of Túpac Amaru).


María Parado de Bellido

(Huamanga, 1761 - Ayacucho, 1822) Peruvian heroin at the time of independence. It is believed that it was natural daughter and all that is known about his father is that it came from the Alto Peru. In 1776 he married in Huamanga Marian Bellido, who had seven sons.
In 1820 of his family joined the Group of Patriots in Paras (Cangallo) with the aim of collaborating with the guerrillas sponsored the Álvarez general de Arenales, which was due to the general José of San Martín strategy to wear down the Royalist Army in the central highlands. Bellido Mariano and his sons acted as couriers of the patriot army in the region of Huamanga, and its main mission consisted to account for the realistic troop movements.

In 1822 the viceroy José de la Serna ordered general Canterac troops quartered in Jauja, is to combat the popular insurrection in Huamanga. Canterac tasked the company under the command of general Carratalá the repress the movement of Ayacucho. It was at this juncture that one of the sons of Maria Parado Bellido Tomás, was taken prisoner and shot to death by the royalists already stationed at Cangallo. This fact motivated that Maria Parado de Bellido integrate the Patriot movement and cooperate with her husband in espionage tasks.

Due to its status as illiterate, he dictated the letters to Mariano Bellido to a trusted friend who, in turn, was responsible for moving the information to the headquarters of the patriotic guerrilla Cayetano Quiroz. As a result, the Patriots were warned in time of the planned RAID of the Royalist Army at the village of Quilcamachay on March 29, 1822, and the town could be evacuated in time.

However, the person through which Maria Parado sent their correspondence was captured that day by priests loyal to the viceroy, which it handed over to the general Carratalá. The general met so activities that Maria Parado, since one of the letters bore his signature. Spanish troops surrounded the House where Maria Parado was accompanied by his daughters and captured it. Brought before the general Carratalá, Maria Parado refused to answer the questions aimed at dismantling the network of information, dismissed offers of reward and not bothered to be advised of your House would be burned down if not collaborated.

His attitude motivated that it was condemned to die fusilada. On May 1, 1822 it was paraded through the area around the plaza de armas of Huamanga, at the time that his crime of treason, is furious and then died before a firing squad in the Pampa of the arc. His remains were buried in the Church of la Merced.

 When independence was strengthened by the general Simón Bolívar, the Liberator gave the daughters of Maria Parado de Bellido a House that had belonged to a realistic soldier in Huamanga, by means of a decree of 1826. Shortly after it was declared a martyr for independence. An important national women of Lima's College today bears his name.


Ramón Castilla

He was born on August 31, 1797 in Tarapacá province (today Chile), was the second son of don Pedro Castilla natural of Argentina and Doña Juana Marquesa de Romero, his older brother was called Leandro.

In 1807 at the age of ten he traveled to Lima to study with his brother, soon travels to Concepción (Chile) where he completed his studies and helped his brother in a business.

Castilla entered the Spanish army ranks, but in 1822 he joined the revolutionary force of José de San Martín to fight in wars for the emancipation of Latin America (1810-1824), taking part in the battle of Ayacucho. With independence, he was appointed Prefect of his home province (1824) and Chief of the General staff (1830).
In 1837, he joined the revolt against Andrés Santa Cruz, President of the Peru–Bolivian Confederation (1836-1839) and escaped to Chile, where returns with the restorative campaign led by Manuel Bulnes, to intervene successfully in the battle of Yungay, that put an end to the Confederacy. He was Minister of Guerra de el presidente Agustín Gamarra. In the period of the military anarchy, it gave its support to the constitutional President Manuel Menéndez and faced Manuel Ignacio de Vivanco on Carmen Alto, returning power to Menendez.

In 1845, was President of Peru. Strong revenues from the exploitation of guano were received under its mandate. For commercialization established the system of domestic consignees. In 1851, he was succeeded by José Rufino Echenique. Then Castilla abolished the indigenous tribute and slavery (1854) and put an end to the Government of Echenique in the battle of La Palma, being named Chairman provisional and later ratified in the Presidency by Congress.
In his second term, it fostered the railroad and nitrate derived from guano industries development. The constitutions of liberal tendency, 1856, and 1860, which remained in force until 1920 were. In 1862, he lost presidential elections to San Miguel Román, so it withdrew from politics, although he returned to it in 1865 as President of the Peruvian Senate.

Ramón Castilla died on May 30, 1867 in Tiliviche.


Micaela Bastidas Puyucahua
Peruvian Patriot

He was born on June 23, 1744 in Tamburco, Abancay, Peru Viceroyalty. Daughter of Josefa Puyucahua and Manuel Bastidas. 
He married may 25, 1760 Túpac Amaru - José Gabriel Condorcanqui-, in the Church of our Lady of the purification of Surimana. They had three children, Hipolito, born in 1761 in Surimana. Mariano, in the 17 September 1762 Tungasuca and Fernando, also born in 1768 in Tungasuca. 

On November 4, 1780, date that are rising up Túpac Amaru, after the capture of Corregidor Arriaga and his execution, Micaela brings together hosts and writes proclamations. It is believed that he was the main Advisor of Túpac Amaru, together with the Council of five. He helped her husband in the Government of the chiefdoms of Pampamarca, Surimana and Tungasuca. 

Túpac Amaru is taken prisoner and condemned to death, and on May 18, 1781 he was quartered. Micaela Bastidas was ordered hanged it dying on the same day in Cusco. His body was dragged and quartered, as was done with her husband.

Monday, August 26, 2013



Jorge Chávez Dartnell was born in Paris on June 3, 1887. His parents were Manuel Gaspar Chávez and María Rosa Dartnell Peruvians. He studied engineering at the school of Violet in electricity and Industrial mechanics in Paris graduating at age 21. From very young felt love for aviation, becoming pilot and participating in different contests of height, winning in several of them.

On September 23, 1910 he participated in the competition to cross the mountain range of the Alps by the passage of Sinplon, from Briga (Switzerland) to Domodossola (Italy). After achieving the feat were the landing, but missing 20 meters broke the wings of the airplane and the ship crashed. Three days later (27-09-1910) the great Aviator died in Hospital "San Biagio" from Domodossola.
Jorge Chávez is considered the maximum Hero of the civil aviation of the Peru, and its main airport bears his name.


José Olaya

José Olaya Balandra was born in Chorrillos, South of Lima, in 1782. His parents were don Apolinario Olaya and Doña Melchora sloop. From small José Olaya was linked to fishing and life in the sea.

When came the period of the war of independence against Spain, José Olaya sympathized for the cause of freedom. Time to show your supported arrived in 1823, when the royalists recovered Lima and the Patriot Government took refuge in the fortress of el Callao. The fisherman became the link of the Creole Patriots of Lima and Callao, carrying secret messages and letters from either side.

Unfortunately, he was discovered by the Spanish general Ramón Rodil, who ordered capture him and torturing him, in June 1823. Patriot José Olaya not betrayed anybody. The 29th was shot in the street Petateros (Olaya passage today) of the center of Lima. His last words were: "If thousand lives were, willingly would give them for my country".


José Carlos Mariátegui

 He was born on June 14, 1894 in Moquegua. His parents were Maria Amalia La Chira Ballejos and the Basque Francisco Javier Mariátegui Requejo. Had several brothers, of whom only two survived: Julio César and Guillermina. Abandoned by the father they are forced to seek better fortune in Lima. In 1899, however, the family moved to Huacho.

In 1902, after an accident at school, it is interned in the Maison de Sante, of the Capital. This will mark the beginning of his illness in the left leg. He could hardly pursue primary studies. In 1909, at the age of 14, he entered to work in La Prensa newspaper, first as alcanzarrejones, and later as Assistant linotypers. Despite not having completed his school studies, Mariátegui came to form in journalism and from 1914 worked as an editor at the newspaper La Prensa, and collaborated with the magazine world Lima among others. But in Columbus and El Tiempo in 1916 where affirm your personality in this first stage of their vital route. He cultivated several literary genres. In 1918, he collaborates with the newspaper our time where criticizes the existing social structure. In 1919 he created La Razón from where it supported the University reform and working-class struggles. It criticizes the President Augusto B. Leguía and becomes the voice of the workers by founding the Federacion Obrera Regional Peruana.

He traveled Europe thanks to a scholarship that was delivered to him by the Government of Leguía as a covert form of deportation. Travel across France, Germany, Austria and Italy. In Italy he married Anna Chiappe. He was present during the occupation of the factories in Turin, as well as in the Congress of the party socialist Italian, in January 1921, occurs where the historic split and the Italian Communist Party complies. During his stay in Italy takes Marxism as a method of study. When he leaves Italy, Musolini was about to seize power. In his writings of this period, it notes that fascism is a response of the bourgeoisie to a deep social crisis, which appeals to the masses and is based on a cult violence. According to his analysis, the victory of fascism is the price that a country must pay for the contradictions of the left.

On March 17, 1923, he returned to Lima, he begins writing articles about the social situation in Europe and to study Peruvian society from an approach to Marxist. He also revisits the contact with Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, future leader of the APRA. In October 1923 has traveled to Mexico as exiled, leaving Mariátegui the direction of clarity magazine, whose Fifth Edition was dedicated to Lenin. During this period also became Professor of the Universidad Popular González Prada.

In 1924, due to an old injury, the leg was amputated. In September 1926, he founded the magazine Amauta (from the quechua hamaut'a, which means Sage or master), where he published some articles that would later form part of his work Summit seven trials of interpretation of reality Peruana, published in 1928. Some of his articles would be published in the newspaper El Peru directed by the controversial Nazario Chávez Aliaga Cajamarca intellectual with whom he shared many of their ideas. The magazine would be destined to become expression of an inclusive socialism, Peruvian culture and Latin America in general. Pluralistic by nature, this publication hosted the most diverse voices, regardless of political beliefs or social origin. Proof of that gives it the distinct contributions of thinkers and intellectuals as outstanding in its time as Martín Adán, José María Eguren, Luis Alberto Sánchez, among other distinguished writers.

He was put in jail in 1927 during the process against the Communists, but then they gave him house arrest.
In 1928 he breaks with the APRA leader, Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre and founded the Peruvian Socialist Party. This party was consolidated in October of that year and Mariátegui will become its Secretary General (then his death party will change name and will be called Communist Party of the Peru). During the same period, he founded the proletarian magazine work. That year published the seven trials...'. The work is considered the first text dedicated to the analysis of Latin American society. The following year, 1929 founded the General Workers Confederation of Peru. He finally died on April 16, 1930, almost on the eve of his expected trip to settle in Buenos Aires, because of complications related to the amputation of his leg.

His political work in defence of trade unionism and the proletariat is very important, as well as his innovative political thought for the time. In fact the great Amauta (as it is also known) is considered as one of the first social scientists in the Americas and one of the most important of the 20th century.

He died at home by not being able to walk, because we lost two legs. He was buried in the cemetery priest Matías Maestro de Lima under a large rock, like fellow controversial Victor Raul Haya de la Torre.



Nicolás Fernández de Piérola Villena, nicknamed El Califa, was a Peruvian politician, who occupied the Presidency of Peru in two opportunities, from 1879 to 1881 and from 1895 until 1899. He contracted nuptials with Jesusa de Iturbide, daughter of the Prince Imperial of Mexico Agustín Jerónimo and granddaughter of the Emperor Agustín I.

He was born in Camaná - Arequipa January 5, 1839. During the years from 1869 to 1871 he was Minister of finance in the Government of José Balta. The so-called contract Dreyfus, which was granted to the French firm Dreyfus of Paris the monopoly of guano export was signed under its management.

Between 1874 and 1877 he attempted to repeatedly to overthrow the Governments of Manuel Pardo and Mariano Ignacio Prado. Being defeated, he had to go into exile in Bolivia and Chile. In 1879, with the onset of the war with Chile and the absence of the President Mariano Ignacio Prado, he staged a coup and took power, as Supreme head. It ruled the country until the Chilean troops occupied Lima in 1881. Then established his Government in the Peruvian Andes, resigning in November 1881.

In 1882, he founded the Democratic Party and organized guerrilla games in 1895, after allying with the Civil Party, and came to occupy the city of Lima, causing the resignation of the then President Andrés A. Cáceres. After which he was elected President of the Republic.

Up to finish his second term in 1899 made major economic reforms. He died in Lima on June 23, 1913. According to Guillermo Thorndike, he was the architect of the national reconstruction and who opened the stage called aristocratic Republic.


Mateo Pumacahua

García Mateo Pumacahua Chihuantito was born September 21, 1740 in Chinchero, Northwest of Cusco. He was the son of Francisco Pumacahua Inca, who inherited the chiefdom of Chinchero to him.

It exercised its functions of chieftain when his colleague Túpac Amaru II rebellion broke out in 1780. To learn, Pumacahua mobilized thousands of Indians in the province to aid in several fighting royalists. It highlighted especially in the defense of Cusco in January 1781. On many occasions proved relentless cruelty against the rebels, even to hurl their wives and children as punishment. For his decisive contribution to the triumph of the Spanish received praise from authorities of Cusco and the viceroy Jauregui; even he won a life pension authorized by King Carlos III.

He remained faithful to Spain until in 1814, at the age of 74, he joined the independence movement of the brothers José, Mariano Angulo and Vicente. After participating in the taking of Cusco Pumacahua turned to the city of Arequipa. He managed to take it after winning the battle of Apacheta. However, shortly after he was defeated by the royalists at the battle of Umachiri on March 11, 1815. Six days later captured and beheaded in Sicuani.


José Gálvez

José Gálvez Egúsquiza was born in Cajamarca on March 17, 1819. His parents were José Manuel Gálvez and Mrs. María Egúsquiza. After studying at the Central School of Sciences and arts in his hometown, at the age of 22 he moved to Lima to study at the Convictorio de San Carlos. He attained his law degree in 1845 and for five years worked his career at Cerro de Pasco and Tarma.
In 1850 he became teacher at the school Guadalupe and two years later its Director. He took advantage of this time to instill in their students ideas Liberals, such as universal suffrage and the abolition of slavery. In 1854 he joined the liberal revolution of Ramón Castilla that overthrew President Echenique in the following year. 

Then it was Congressman and Chairman of the National Convention that drafted the Liberal Constitution of 1856.
In 1857 he became President Castilla opponent and in 1860, went into exile in Europe until 1862. In this year he returned to the Peru and was dedicated to the legal profession. In 1865 he became Dean of the Colegio de Abogados of Lima. The same year he joined the rebellion of Mariano Ignacio Prado to overthrow President Juan a.. Pezet and declare war on Spain for having invaded the Chincha Islands.

To take power, Prado appointed José Gálvez as his Minister of war and Navy. With this office organized the defense of the port of Callao, which was threatened by the Spanish Squadron. Galvez died at the battle of Callao (May 2, 1866), when a bomb fell in the deposits of gunpowder from the Tower of La Merced.


Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza

Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza was born April 15, 1750 in Chachapoyas. His parents were Santiago Rodríguez de Mendoza and Maria Josefa Collantes. He studied at the seminar Santo Toribio of Lima and in 1770 received his doctorate in theology at the University San Marcos. In 1778 was ordered priest.

From a very young became interested in the natural sciences and the new political ideas of the enlightenment. In the Decade of 1790 he joined the society of lovers of the country and participated in the publication of the magazine illustrated "Mercurio Peruano".
From 1771 he was Professor of the Real Convictorio de San Carlos and its Rector from 1785 to 1816. In recent years Rodriguez de Mendoza instilled in young people the ideals of the enlightenment and the reading of the Rationalist philosophers of the 18th century. It fostered critical thinking and political debate among his disciples, so repeatedly was accused of fomenting conspiracies against the King.

In 1821 he signed the Act of the independence of Peru and the following year he was elected Deputy of the first Constituent Congress. He died in Lima on June 12, 1825.


Ricardo Palma

Ricardo Palma Soriano was born in Lima on February 7, 1833. His parents were don Pedro Palma y Doña Guillermina Soriano.
He studied law in the Universidad San Marcos. In 1861, he participated in a failed bomb attack against President Ramón Castilla, so was banished to Chile.

Upon his return, he was elected Senator for Loreto. On May 2, 1866, he participated in combat on May 2, against the Spanish Squadron which bombarded the port of Callao.

From a very young began to write poems, stories and plays. It also put journalism, working in newspaper El Mercurio, El Correo, La Patria and El Liberal.

The first part of their famous "Peruvian traditions", a series of tasty stories episodes, characters and customs of our Inca past and, above all, was published in 1872, colonial. This work gave him great prestige and international recognition.

During the war against Chile, he was correspondent for several foreign newspapers. On January 15, 1881 he participated in the battle of Miraflores. At the end of the battle the Chileans set fire to his house and his personal library.

In 1884, President Miguel Iglesias appointed him director of the National Library of Peru, serving a great work in its reconstruction and equipment. Of those times it comes his nickname of "Librarian beggar". He held this position until 1912.

The distinguished Peruvian traditionalist Ricardo Palma died in Miraflores, on October 6, 1919.



César Abraham Vallejo Mendoza was born on 16 March 1892 in Santiago de Chuco, La Libertad Department, in the sierra norte of the Peru. His parents were Francisco de Paula Vallejo Benítez y María de los Santos Mendoza.

He studied high school in Huamachuco, and joined the University of Trujillo to study letters. San Marcos also studied at the University. Before traveling to Paris he maintained friendship with Antenor Orrega, Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre, Manuel Gonzales Prada, Abraham Baldelomar, José María Eguren and José Carlos Mariátegui, leading intellectuals of the 20th century.
Since 1923 he lived between Paris and Madrid dedicated to literature, journalism and politics. He also traveled to Moscow three times.

In 1927 he met Georgette Philippant (who married the following year).

Vallejo is the author of important books of poetry such as:
-The heralds negos (1919).
-Trilce (1922).
-Spain, away from me this chalice (1939).
-Human poems (1939).
His works stand out in narrative:
-Paco Yunque (1931).
-Wild fabla (1923).
-Tungsten (1923).

He died in Paris on April 15, 1938. He was buried at Montrouge cemetery in the same city. 


Ciro Alegría

He was born on November 4, 1909 at Quilca-Humachuco. He spent his childhood in large Marcabal, along the Marañon River Ranch.
He studied at the colegio nacional de San Juan, Trujillo and later philosophy and letters at the University of this city.

Militant of the APRA party, this political activity means it first jail and then exile in Chile. In 1941 hispanoamericana announced by a New York publishing wins literature Award with her novel 'the world is wide and others'. He leaves Chile and moved to the United States. Later it will reside in Puerto Rico and Cuba.

He is the author as well as two books of short stories: "The legend of the walnut tree" (1940) and "Duel of Knights" (1965). His novels: "The Golden snake" (1935), "Hungry dogs" (1939) and 'the world is wide and others' (1941), his masterpiece. His last duel of Knights work was published in 1963. Other stories: "The offering of stone" (1978), "The Sun of the Jaguars" (1979), "Seven tales quiromanticos" (1980). Belonging to the indigenous current call.
In Chile, he married his second aunt, Rosalía Amézquita Alegría, with whom he had two sons. Then espoused with Puerto Rican, Ligia Marchand and finally with the Dora Varona Cuban poetess with whom he had four children.

Ciro Alegría died on February 13, 1967 in Chosica in Chaclacayo because of a cardiac infarct.


Inca Garcilaso de la Vega
Peruvian writer

He was born April 12, 1539 in Cuzco (Peru) in a noble family.
She was present at the first actions of the conquest of the Peru and the civil wars among the conquerors; He summed up that vision of the end of an era and the beginning of another, in a famous phrase: "Trocosenos reign in vassalage".

He travels to Spain in 1560, which claims the right to its name - among its illustrious ancestors poet Garcilaso de la Vega, Jorge Manrique and the Marquis of Santillana-, were what get and which proudly adds the name Inca, for which it is known. In 1561 he settles in Montilla, where it has the protection of paternal relatives, and some time later in Córdoba (1589), where he joined Spanish humanist circles and was devoted to the study and research that would allow writing his Chronicles.

Their links with the world of literature, began with the remarkable translation (1590) dialogues of love of León Hebreo, written in Italian. His first Chronicle, La Florida del Inca (1605), epic in prose, is the conquest of the peninsula of the same name (now part of the United States) by Hernando de Soto. As great maximum work highlight the actual comments. The first part (1609) narrates the story, culture and social institutions of the Inca Empire; and the second, which he called history general of the Peru (published posthumously in 1617), deals with the conquest of these lands and of the civil wars.

Garcilaso de la Vega died in Cordoba, Spain, on April 23, 1616.


Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo

(Santo Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo; Mayorga, Valladolid, 1538 - large Sana, Peru, 1606) Spanish prelate. Councillor of the Inquisition at Granada, was named Archbishop of Lima in 1579. Arriving in Peru, he met the III Council Provincial de Lima (1582-1583), who published a catechism translated to quechua and aymara. He founded also the conciliar seminar of Lima, the first in America. He learned the quechua, the guajivo, the guajoya and the tuncha to preach to the Indians in their own language.

Turibius of Mongrovejo studied law and theology at the universities of Salamanca and Coimbra (Portugal), and in 1568 was named Inquisitor of Granada. The special skills they showed in this post (not abused its prerogatives and was rather flexible in prosecutions) presented it as an ideal candidate for the apostolate on American soil. Following the proposal of his name to the Archdiocese of Lima, Toribio in 1579 took Holy orders and, once elevated to Bishop, arrived in this American city in may 1581.

During the following years Santo Toribio carried out a huge work to the Organization of its vast Archdiocese, so toured it four times, learned quechua and other indigenous languages in order to achieve better communication with the indigenous people and encouraged the missionaries to follow their example; He also edit the first American Catechisms, both in Spanish and in various indigenous languages. In this way, without violent imposition and using their own language, was able to spread the Gospel among the Indians Quechua and Aymara.

Toribio convened three important councils provincial (1591, 1582 and 1601) whose records were collected in the ecclesiastical code of Peru, and the first American Seminary founded in Lima in 1591. It gave further confirmation to Santa Rosa de Lima, San Martin de Porres and San Juan Macías. Beatified in 1679 by Pope Inocencio XI (1676-1689) and canonized in 1726 by Benedicto XIII (1724-1730), Juan Paul II proclaimed him patron of the Latin American episcopate in 1983. His feast is celebrated on April 27.



José Faustino Sánchez Carrión was born in Huamachuco, on February 13, 1787 in Huamachuco. His parents were Agustín Sánchez Carrión and Teresa Rodríguez. He studied law at the Convictorio de San Carlos (Lima), where he had as a teacher to the illustrious Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza. Being Professor of San Carlos criticized the colonial system and spread the Republican ideas.
During the protectorate of don Jose of San Martín (1821-1822) he attacked royalists plans from the newspaper "La bee Republican". Here, he used the pseudonym of "Sayan Solitaire". He was Deputy of the first Constituent Congress and was the Chief Editor of the first Constitution of Peru. When Simón Bolívar arrived in Peru (1823) became his Adviser and Minister General. In 1824 he signed the call for the famous Congress of Panama.

He died of tuberculosis in Lurin, on June 2, 1825.


Hipólito Unanue

Hipólito Unanue was born in Arica on August 13, 1755. His parents were Miguel Unanue and Manuela Pavón. He studied medicine at the University of San Marcos of Lima.

In the Decade of 1790 was a member of the society of lovers of the country and directed the magazine Mercurio Peruano. In 1792 he founded the anatomical amphitheater and the following year was cosmographer major of the Kingdom. In 1807 he was appointed General Protophysician and the following year was founded the school of medicine San Fernando.

In 1809 he led a political gathering known as "The conspiracy of los Fernandinos". In the protectorate of don Jose of San Martin was Finance Minister, in the first Constituent Congress he was Deputy for Puno and in the dictatorship of Bolívar was Foreign Minister.
His last years were spent at his hacienda de Cañete (South of Lima), where he died on July 15, 1833.


San Martín de Porres
 (Lima, 1579-1639)

 Peruvian religious of the order of the Dominicans who was the first Holy mulatto of America. He was the son of Juan de Porres, hidalgo poor native of Burgos, and Ana Velásquez, a free black, native of Panama.

His father, due to their poverty, not could marry a woman of his condition, which did not prevent their de facto relationship with Ana Velásquez. Fruit it was also born Juana, two years younger than Martin. Born in the Lima District of San Sebastian, Martín de Porres was baptized December 9, 1579. The baptismal document reveals that his father did not recognize him, because as Knight layman and Bachelor of a military order, he was obliged to observe continence of State.

 To 1586, the father of Martin decided to take his two sons to Guayaquil with his relatives. However, relatives only accepted Jeanne, and Martín de Porres was returning to Lima, where she was put under the care of Doña Isabel García Michel in the suburb of Malambo, in the lower part of the District of San Lazaro, inhabited by blacks and other racial groups. In 1591 of Archbishop Saint Toribio de Mogrovejo received the sacrament of confirmation of hands.

Martin began his apprenticeship of apothecary in the casa de Mateo Pastor who was to marry the daughter of his tutor. This experience would be key for Martin, later known as great herbalist and Healer of the sick, since apothecaries did less healing and administered remedies for common cases. He was also an apprentice Barber, trade that involved knowledge of minor surgery.

 The proximity of the Dominican convent of our Lady of the Rosary and its convent cloister exercised an attraction about it. However, enter there wouldn't change their social situation and the treatment that would be mulatto and bastard: could it be Friar of mass and even forbade him be lay brother. In 1594, Martin entered the convent as a would-be convent without option to the priesthood. Inside the convent was ringer is fame that its punctuality and discipline in prayer were exemplary. Moreover, he slept very little, between three to four hours, and they say that, not to forget their duties by tiredness, a cat with three colors went to the infirmary and began to scratch him warning him of his duty.
 His hagiographers have had several devotions, but above all I believed in the Blessed Sacrament and the Virgin Mary, especially the Virgen del Rosario, patron saint of the order dominica and protective of mulattos. Martin was a supporter of the models of Holiness of Santo Domingo de Guzmán, San Jose, Santa Catalina de Siena and San Vicente Ferrer. However, despite his on zeal and devotion, it did not develop its own line of mysticism. The daily life of the future Saint was extremely frugal. It was very sober in eating and simple in dressing (wore a simple white habit throughout his life). It is said that when he died there were no clothes with that bind him, so he was buried with his own already-frayed habit.

 In the convent, Martin also worked as a Barber, wardrobe, bleeder and tooth-puller. His cell was in the Faculty of nursing. All learning as herbalist in the Pharmacy and Barber made Martin a healer of the sick, especially the poorest and neediest, who did not hesitate to give away sick garment. His fame became very notorious and was very needy people in large quantities. His work was broad: taking the pulse, palpable, gagged, entablillaba, pulled teeth, extirpaba lobanillos, suturaba, sucked bleeding wounds and imposed hands skilfully. Martin gathered medicinal traditions Andean, Spanish and African; I used to grow a variety of plants which then combined in remedies for the poor and sick in an orchard. It should begin its work as a nurse between 1604 and 1610.

 Life in the convent was ruled by obedience to his superiors, but in the case of Martin racial condition was also decisive. His humility was put to the test on many occasions. It seemed to have a very poor concept of itself and even as miserable, and therefore worthy of mistreatment. Although he frequented people of color and caste, he never raised claims social or political; He devoted himself only to practice charity, which was extended to other ethnic groups. All these difficulties did not prevent that Martin was a Merry Friar. His contemporaries indicate his countenance cheerful and smiling.

 Another of his powers was clairvoyance. He is told that his sister Rosa had stolen a sum of money from her husband, and met with his brother, who immediately called the attention for what had done. His sister not left his astonishment, since no one knew of the theft. He also had powers to predict the own and others, life included the time of death.

 In line with the spirituality of the time, San Martin de Porres and its coetanea Santa Rosa de Lima and later the mortification of the body. Martin applied three disciplines each day: in the calves, buttocks and backs, according to a rigorous schedule and avoiding undermine your health for the fulfilment of other obligations. He had also two hair: an inner tunic of wool interwoven with bristles of horse and a close-fitting chain, possibly iron.

His concern for the poor was remarkable. It is known that the helpless waiting for him in the goal so you heal them of their illnesses or give them to eat. Martin was not displayed and do so in privacy. Martin charity is not limited to people, but they also projected the animals, especially when I saw them injured or lacking food. It had separate in his sister's House a place where housed sick, wounded and mangy dogs and cats. It seems that animals obeyed him by particular privilege of God. One of the best-known episodes of his life is that he did eat from the same plate to a dog, a parakeet and a cat.

 As it is of other saints of the time, Martin also suffered the apparitions and temptations of the devil. It is said that on one occasion down the stairs of the nursing willing to help one of his brothers when he met the demon under the stairs. Martin had to take the girdle that had and began whipping the demon that is outside of the convent. It also ascribed the gift of tongues, the gift of agility and the gift of fly. His companions, who watched it continuously, saw how her body is illuminated. Was it that could be in two places at once and penetrate the bodies without major resistance.

 To 1619 he began to suffer from cuartanas, very high fevers that were presented every four days; this evil is was acute him, although he continued to meet their obligations. With the passing of time, Martin was gaining not only fame, but it began to be feared. The popular imagery is embarrassing to supernatural events, some of them not witnessed but known from hearsay. For example, some assembler became frightened because very often it appeared without being seen. They began to run rumors that wandered by the cloister at night, surrounded by lights and glows. Also causing fear its unexpected appearances and their unexplained disappearances.
In October 1639, Martín de Porres fell ill with pestilencial tabardillo. He died on 3 November of that year. There was great commotion among the people, they doubled the campaigns on their behalf and popular devotion was so excessive that it forced to make a rapid burial. Despite the exemplary biography of mulatto Martín de Porres, become fundamental devotion of castes and people of color, the colonial society wouldn't it to the altar. 

His beatification process ended in 1962, under the papacy of Pablo VI.


Mother Teresa de La Cruz Candamo

He was born in Lima in the street of the Coca, on August 19, 1,875. They were his parents don Manuel Candamo and Doña Teresa Alvarez Calderón.

She was baptized on August 27 of the same year, his godfathers being two brothers from his mother: Nicanor and María Rosa Alvarez Calderón, sister of la Caridad and foundress of the hospital of Tarma. Teresa was educated in a deeply Catholic and virtuous home. From an early age he showed a special liveliness and a very sensitive and compassionate heart. From his childhood he showed their artistic abilities and his fondness for reading. He received his early education with private teachers in his home, later moving as internal to the San Pedro, of the religious of the Sacred Heart College.

Dominated the French and the English, highlighting also for their musical qualities, his beautiful voice, as well as its excellent literary works. He had a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin and was enshrined as a daughter of Maria. Ended school year 1,892.
His father was elected President by what life social discreet carrying Teresa previously became much more active, according to the range of his family in 1,903. A few months of presidential activity Mr Candamo, died in Arequipa. This fact affected a lot to Teresa and yours. After the duel, the family decided to take a trip to Europe


Santa Rosa de Lima

 Santa Rosa de Lima was born April 30, 1586, in the vicinity of the hospital of the Holy Spirit of the city of Lima, then capital of the Viceroyalty of the Peru. Its original name was Isabel Flores de Oliva. It was one of the thirteen children made in the marriage of Gaspar Flores, arquebus of the Viceregal, natural guard of San Juan de Puerto Rico, with the Lima Oliva María. He received baptism in the parish of San Sebastián de Lima, being his godparents Hernando de Valdés and María Orozco.

In the company of his many brothers, the pink girl moved to the town of Quives, in the basin of the Chillon, when his father took the job of administrator of a mill where silver ore was refined. Biographies of Santa Rosa de Lima have firmly withheld the fact that in this town, it was doctrine of mercedarian friars, in 1597, the young woman received the sacrament of confirmation at the hands of the Archbishop of Lima, Santo Toribio Alonso de Mogrovejo, who made a pastoral visit in the jurisdiction.

 Dealing with the "dark phase" in the biography of Santa Rosa de Lima, which corresponds precisely to their years of childhood and adolescence in Quives, Luis million has sought to shed light through the interpretation of dreams that biographers of the santa. View million that could be the most important stage for the formation of their personality, despite the fact that the authors have preferred to make abstraction of the economic environment and cultural experiences that influenced the life of the Flores-Oliva family in the mountains, a mining seat linked to the heart of the colonial production. Probably, that experience (daily view of the sufferings that Indian workers suffered from) might be that gave to Rosa concern cure disease and misery of those who would believe in virtue.

Lived at Santa Rosa de Lima in Lima an atmosphere of religious effervescence, a time in which abounded the powers of miracles, cures and all sorts of wonders by a population that put great emphasis on the virtues and quality of life Christian. Around of sixty people, they died in "odor of sanctity" in the Peruvian capital between late 16th century and the mid-eighteenth. Here originated by the way a long series of biographies of Saints, blesseds, and servants of God, works very similar in their content, governed by the same formal structures and similar categories of thought.
Attracted to Santa Rosa with singular force model of the dominica Catherine of Siena (Tuscany santa from the 14th century), and it was decided to change the Franciscan sackcloth for the white habit of a tertiary of the order of preachers, apparently from 1606. It is claimed was well equipped for the work of sewing, which helped sustain the family budget, but were very few people with whom Rosa came to have some privacy. In its most narrow circle were virtuous women as Doña Luisa Melgarejo and his group of "beatas", together with friends of the paternal home and close to the home of Gonzalo de la Maza counter.

 Confessors of Santa Rosa de Lima were mostly priests of the Dominican congregation. He also had spiritual contact with religious of the society of Jesus. It is also important to contact who developed with the doctor Juan de el Castillo, Extremadura doctor well versed in matters of spirituality, with whom he shared the most secret minutiae of their relationship with God.

These spiritual advisers exerted profound influence on rose and were complicit in his delusions, visions and torment. Not surprising of course Oliva María abominase of the cohort of priests who surrounded his pious daughter, because I was sure that the rigors that she was imposed were "being this seem, ignorant credulity and trial some confessors", recalls a contemporary. The stereotyped behavior of Santa Rosa de Lima is most evident while he repaired by order of their confessors scored the various mercedes he had received from the sky, thus composing the panel titled spiritual scale. Not much is known about the readings of Santa Rosa, although it is known that he found inspiration in the theological works of fray Luis de Granada.
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